Partnership with Jewish Gateways

Partnership with Jewish Gateways image

Jewish Gateways has grown into a vibrant community and we are moving in an exciting new direction, one in which you are invited to become a partner.

We invite you to find your Jewish home with us.

A Partner actively participates in shaping how Jewish Gateways grows and evolves as we co-create the experience of Judaism in our lives. While everyone is welcome to attend our events, as a Partner, you will be an active builder of Jewish Gateways. Being a Partner at Jewish Gateways involves commitment in two general ways: participation in our community and financial support of our community, defined in ways that are meaningful to each individual and/or household. If you do decide to become a Partner, kindly complete this form for our records.

The Benefits of Partnership

  • Shared ownership of an active and inclusive Jewish community in which diversity is celebrated.
  • Partners will have the satisfaction of helping to build a uniquely meaningful Jewish community that plays an important role in their lives.
  • Partners are invited to special events and activities.
  • Partners will be invited to an annual gathering to share highlights of the past year, discuss plans for the next year, and provide creative input into future planning.
  • Partners and members of their immediate household are welcome to attend High Holiday Services without an additional donation.
  • Partners have priority in working with our rabbis for life cycle events.
Receive a 10% discount on family programs (partnership discount applied to the total invoice amount after all other discounts and financial aid have been applied)

Financial Commitment Goal

  • The current estimate for sustaining Jewish Gateways is $3,000 annually (or $250 monthly) per household. We suggest an annual commitment with flexibility based on income and circumstances.
  • Alternatively, we ask partners to work towards a 2-3% commitment of annual income. We understand that for some, neither of those goals will be realistic. Thus, we ask that you "Give What You Can," informed by the numbers above.
  • Payment schedules can be monthly, quarterly, or annually.
Those who commit $5,000 or more annually become members of our Chai (Life) Giving Circle and help support those who can give less.

Partners Participate Regularly
Partners have a variety of ways to be engaged:

  • Attendance at classes and events
  • Volunteering
  • Participation in leadership – including the Board of Directors, the Community Involvement Team, and other committees.
  • Leading a class or event
  • Sharing your personal talents & strengths

Join us as we journey forward together at Jewish Gateways.

If you've chosen to become a Partner and wish to support Jewish Gateways by gifting stock, please contact Stephanie at

If you're donating through a Donor Advised Fund, you can send your contribution to:

Community Partners
P.O. Box 741265
Los Angeles, CA 90074-1265
Their EIN number is #95-4302067

Please specify that your donation is intended for Jewish Gateways. Thank you once more!